Fighting Corona with IT – Markus Schmitz & Paolo Magnani

In this panel, Paolo Magnani, CIO MEMEA of DHL, and Markus Schmitz, CIO of Bundesagentur für Arbeit, discuss their experiences and plans they have put in place to manage the Corona crisis as providers of crucially important services in the time of COVID-19 (shipping, delivery and employment).

Markus Schmitz shared a detailed case study of how Germany’s Federal employment agency (Bundesagentur für Arbeit) rapidly reorganised on a big scale to handle increased demand caused by the COVID-19 crisis. The crisis management plan included:

– expanding the data center with nearly 300 servers
– growing the call center from 4,000 to 18,000 people
– rebuilding the customer portal to facilitate self-help
– administering financial aid to alleviate unemployment

Paolo Magnani on how DHL MEMEA has activated crisis management measures:

– accomodated increased workload on IT infrastructure
– handled the test of culture values
– implemented working from home

In the panel, Paolo Magnani and Markus discussed important issues facing the IT departments now:

Will your organisation go back to business as usual after the lockdown ends, or do you expect the organisational structures to change irreversibly?

– remote working
– work-life balance
– business travel culture
– collaboration

How did Working from home impact the productivity of your IT teams?

Has IT’s contribution to handling this crisis been rewarded?

Has adopting remote work now change how you approach off-shoring and nearshoring?

How was IT budget impacted?

How is the mindset and morale of your employees and customers during the lockdown?

How will COVID-19 impact the market share of your company?

Did investing in business continuity at DHL and Bundesagentur für Arbeit plans finally pay off now?
– how COVID-19 stimulated innovation in the public sector

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