Book Review: Catching Giants.

Turning around the fortunes of Porsche GB.

Business leader, Kevin Gaskell’s book ‘Catching Giants’ shows how small players can win big. The business leader who revived Porsche GB, boosted BMW GB’s profits by 500% and has built 15 companies, brings together his stellar business insights and lessons learned as part of the five-man team who went from novices to world champions in 1,000 days.

An absolute must-read, written by the turbo-charged entrepreneur and business fixer, Kevin Gaskell, the author provides step-by-step lessons (80 in fact) on how to build a world-class business and transform the fortunes of a company in 100 days.

Insightful, accessible and results-driven, this unique guide shows how to overcome business barriers – whether that’s clarity, strategy, team dynamics or finances.  And quoting from Churchill who said, ‘never let a good crisis go to waste’, he explains how to use the tools in your business armory– cash, clients, communication and courage – to overcome the ravages of the pandemic on your organization.

A book destined to become the ‘best-friend’ of every business owner, Catching Giants is a ‘how-to’ triumph and reaffirms Gaskell’s position as the man who fixes businesses and demonstrates why he is considered to be one of the top business leaders in the UK

Can a small business really compete with the biggest business giants?

The typical argument is that they wouldn’t have the budget, skills or experience to do so. But Catching Giants demonstrates that this simply isn’t true and shows how, even in the toughest of circumstances and competitive environments, it is possible for the small player to win big.

When Kevin Gaskell and his small, inexperienced crew took on the ‘World’s Toughest Row’ and set out to cross the Atlantic Ocean in a tiny open rowing boat, they knew it would take single-minded determination, a focused strategy, an agile and innovative approach and smart thinking to beat their Olympic level competition and become world champions. And that’s exactly what they did!

Through this thrilling, motivating and inspiring story of triumph over seemingly impossible odds, Kevin shares the adventure of rowing across one of the world’s great oceans and extracts 80 world-class lessons that he and his team used to beat some of the best rowers at their own game.

Whatever the challenge that businesses face – whether it’s clarity, strategy, finance, team alignment or leadership skills, these game-changing lessons have the power to help any team leader, manager or business owner overcome barriers and drive their team to reach for, catch and pass their own giants.

By: Kevin ‘The Business Fixer’ Gaskell, serial entrepreneur, author and adventurer is recognized as one of the world’s foremost leadership experts, responsible for transforming three of the world’s most iconic brands Porsche, BMW and Lamborghini (GB).

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