The Age of With: Everything you need to know

Top Business Tech shares the key things you need to know about Deloitte Analytics and AI Alliances digital series, The Age of With.

According to Deloitte Analytics, the age of “with” is here: Humans with machines; data with actions; businesses and their customers. AI and automation have swept across every industry, and few companies understand this as well as Deloitte, who have announced the first digital series of its kind, Age of With. 

What is the Age of With? 

The digital series provides businesses with a chance to evaluate workforces and implement AI solutions to streamline operations via a variety of solutions, from custom solutions to devices with embedded AI. The series has two key areas of focus: The future of data and cloud and the value of intelligent automation, and has a number of participating analytics and AI alliances, including Blue Prism, DataStax, Informatica, UiPath, Snowflake.

Numbers don’t lie 

Last year, Deloitte conducted a study from 100 leaders in data and AI. These were the findings: 

  • 98% of enterprises have accelerated cloud migration in the wake of COVID-19 
  • 71% of enterprises are using AI to generate new revenue streams
  • 82% of enterprises are struggling to identify the right problems to tackle AI


To meet these challenges head-on, the adoption of intelligent automation is capable of removing repetitive tasks, freeing up employee time to focus on more projects and improving delivery on current projects. Implementing intelligent automation will, in turn, allow for the delivery of faster and improved results, a change that more companies are in desperate need of following the impact of COVID-19 globally. 

What will you gain?

These sessions will educate teams on AI, from analytics programs to cloud-enabled platforms and big data architectures. Deloitte and its key partners will deliver strategic insights and reveal how the most cutting-edge enterprises have optimised their capabilities throughout their digital transformation. Most importantly, the event will bring together a wealth of industry experts and provide invaluable networking opportunities for enterprises who wish to share and gain more insight into the fast-evolving industry.

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Amber Donovan-Stevens

Amber is a Content Editor at Top Business Tech

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