Tag Archives: 2020

Brits using loyalty schemes to combat inflation

• A further 30% of consumers said they’re not using loyalty schemes to combat the cost of living yet, but they think they will in the near future
• A staggering 61% of +55 yr olds use all of their loyalty cards compared to just 33% of 16-24 yr olds
• A quarter of 25-34 yr olds have 3 loyalty cards but over 65% say they don’t use them all

Aqua Security Expands Open Source Trivy

The world’s most popular cloud native vulnerability and risk scanner adds new capabilities to help practitioners seamlessly integrate and scale cloud native security into their Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC)

A Guide for Beta Testing

As an app developer, you might know that beta testing is the second process after alpha testing. This process is essential for vanishing all sorts of bugs and other problems so that your app doesn’t disappoint the actual users. For this reason, only beta testing is run to find out how your app will perform in the hands of absolute fun.