Learn about Phoenix Consultancy services in Private, Commercial, Legal and Insurance

Last week tbtech went to the “Cloud & Cybersecurity Expo”, part of the Tech Show organized by CloserStill. Find out what we learned from the experts and businesses, such as Phoenix Consultancy, who took part in the event below.

Take a look at our full video below

It was established in 1997 and, over the last 10 years, has developed into one of the countries leading, all-around investigative agencies. Over time they have developed an impressive range of services aimed at various different sectors, including Private, Commercial, Legal, and Insurance.

Whilst their remit is vast, they are primarily a solution provider for problems of a diverse nature within these specific areas. They have developed a philosophy of reliability, integrity, professionalism but above all, one of providing their clients with a positive solution to their problems.

This often requires a certain amount of lateral thinking and the vast experience that their operatives collectively possess enables us to use past case histories and experience to reach these goals.

Phoenix Consultancy has a fully tried and tested network of professionals and due to this, they are able to offer extensive knowledge locally and internationally which can be invaluable in certain areas of investigation.

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