How robotic process automation can benefit organisations in 2021

By Simon Perks, Head of Robotics and AI, Agilisys

In an environment of tightening budgets and rising expectations, it’s critical for organisations to unlock the ability to do more with less. In boardrooms throughout the land, the pressure is on to implement technology to support the journey to digital transformation. One technology that has a major role to play is Robotic Process Automation (RPA). When implemented correctly it has been proven to save organisations the holy trinity of time, effort and money; all the while improving staff satisfaction and customer outcomes.

So, what is RPA? It is a form of business process automation technology that uses software robots (bots) or artificial intelligence (AI). In traditional workflow automation tools, a software developer physically produces a list of actions to automate a task and interface to the back-end system using internal application programming interfaces (APIs). RPA systems, however, develop the action list by watching the user perform that task in the application’s graphical user interface (GUI), and then performs the automation by repeating those tasks directly in the GUI. 

Robotic Process Automation is a combined effort

A key application of RPA is to automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks that would otherwise require human interaction. This can typically free up around a third of staff, to allow them to refocus their time on other more valuable, important and people-orientated tasks. Recent research suggests that this combined effort could cut costs by as much as 80%. 

By embracing automation, essential services can operate around-the-clock, process-driven tasks take far less time, and staff can resolve more problems, more quickly and more effectively.

Not just a sticking plaster

While RPA shouldn’t be used as a sticking plaster for poor processes, most organisations prefer to initially focus obvious problems or inefficiencies that will provide instant results. This will prove the technology works on a small scale and generates a fast return on investment. Find the best processes for proof of concept automation by heat-mapping demand and identifying organisational bottlenecks. Ideally, look for high-volume, low complexity processes which don’t have a lot of decision points or exceptions and will also generate great value for staff and customers alike. 

When senior leaders see RPA’s benefits, they’ll inevitably start looking for opportunities to do more. With support from above, organisations can think bigger and begin moving towards full-scale service transformation. 

Remain competitive with RPA

Ordinarily, redesigning services stops at examining technologies and processes. However, RPA also has huge implications for the workforce, so change must be communicated so that they feel involved. Consider the ingrained culture and don’t underestimate the time and effort needed for people to become open to new ways of thinking and working. Facilities Managers must demonstrate a deep, long-term commitment to upskilling and preparing their workforces not just for immediate change, but a continuing digital journey.

Read more: The future of technology within health and social care

Accelerating technology change means the need for transformation is inevitable. The later it’s left, the greater the pressure. Without RPA, organisations will find themselves steadily becoming less competitive. When transformation becomes impossible to put off, it will then need to be faced on tighter timescales, under greater financial pressure and with no margin for error.

Ultimately, RPA helps organisations prepare for the future. Whatever technologies are adopted in the coming years, they can be automated confidently without any development or integration work. As such, RPA helps future-proof the organisation and eliminates the need for expensive in-house software development skills.

Empowering staff

Organisations today shouldn’t wait too long bring robots into the technology toolkit. With technology evolving faster than ever, the need for transformation across all industries is inevitable. Due to the pandemic, this transformation has only accelerated. RPA reduces costs; increases speed, accuracy, and consistency; improves quality and scalability of production. Plus, it can provide extra security, especially for sensitive data. 

However, a word of caution. Automating repetitive activities won’t replace the ingenuity and intuition you find in your staff. It will simply allow them to use these very human qualities at work more, rather than pouring time into business services processes. 

Robotics, alongside artificial intelligence is often a term that is feared within organisations, with the worry that eventually it could lead to there no longer needing for human engagement. However, the reality is that implementing RPA into an organisation does not replace the human element but enhances it.

Simon Perks

Simon Perks is Head of Robotics and AI at Agilisys, where he leads the Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Consultancy and their internal Centre of Excellence (CoE).

Simon is accountable for embedding RPA & AI-enabled solutions across existing businesses, enabling customers to unlock value by driving process efficiency and effectiveness.

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