May 2022

The Software Edition

Through no-code AI, innovation that really matters will be driven by people who need them most to optimise their workflow – and it will affect several sectors of the economy, particularly manufacturing, which has seen a rapid rise in AI adoption in its production and assembling process.

The future of hardware.

Through no-code AI, innovation that really matters will be driven by people who need them most to optimise their workflow – and it will affect several sectors of the economy, particularly manufacturing, which has seen a rapid rise in AI adoption in its production and assembling process.

Stakeholders in this industry who are on the manufacturing frontline, like quality assurance engineers, control engineers, and product designers will be able to create no-code AI solutions that fit real manufacturing needs. No-code solutions will also help automate manufacturing workflows, leading to unprecedented levels of quality improvements, efficiency, and increased profitability for the business. It will reduce risks and boost overall productivity of manufacturing companies and help bring products to the market faster – and at a lower cost.

May, 2022 The Software Edition