Alexis Gendronneau

Head of Data Products at OVHcloud

Posts by Alexis Gendronneau:

Keeping AI cost effective in the move to cloud

Can Artificial Intelligence Deliver Real Value Today?

AI is in its infancy, but the early shoots of growth hold great promise for the industry. According to the Boston Consulting Group, although 59% of organisations have developed an AI strategy, and 57% have carried out pilot projects in the area, only 11% have seen any kind of return from AI. That said, the potential is vast; some sources estimate that the size of the global AI market could increase tenfold from $15bn (2021) to $150bn by 2028, and in the UK, expenditure on AI technologies could reach £83bn by 2040, from £16.7bn in 2020.

Whatever the application, most AI projects usually start as small, experimental tests hosted on a server in-house, and eventually graduate to cloud environments, where their uptime, security, scalability and maintenance can be assured. However, this migration is often the most difficult and painful.