Managing Critical Events with BlackBerry Alert

Every day, organizations face risks from natural, technological, and human-caused critical events. In 2020, for example, nearly 50% of the…

Every day, organizations face risks from natural, technological, and human-caused critical events. In 2020, for example, nearly 50% of the organizations surveyed by BCI1 activated emergency communications plans due to IT or telecoms incidents (49.3%), adverse weather conditions (45.8%), and for the first time because of the COVID-19 pandemic, disease outbreaks (51.45%).

Respondents also cited cybersecurity incidents (24.7%) and critical infrastructure failures (19.7%) as triggering events. While it’s essential to develop and exercise emergency communications plans, planning alone is not sufficient. There must also be a critical event management (CEM) infrastructure in place capable of implementing the plan efficiently.

To learn more, download our business brief.

21st July 2021