Tag Archives: accessmanagement

Managing Private Content Exposure Risk in 2024

Managing the privacy and compliance of sensitive content communications is getting more and more difficult for businesses. Cybercriminals continue to evolve their approaches, making it harder than ever to identify, stop, and mitigate the damages of malicious attacks. But, what are the key issues for IT admins to look out for in 2024?

FIDO approach reveals identity and access confusion

FIDO’s approach to passwords, while convenient, first reveals a dangerous confusion between access and identity. Contrary to popular belief, the two are not interchangeable. Identities are fixed while access keys are changeable. In the physical world, we use them for different needs.

Your identity is used to identify yourself, for example when you cross a country border, when you need to prove you have the legal rights to live in a country or to live in a house. Your legal identity is fixed and doesn’t change when you change job or country. Your identity is unique.