Deliver pre-configured systems to end users faster with Dell Provisioning or VMware Workspace ONE

Compared to a traditional deployment process, the Dell service saved IT time for small and large-scale deployments How long would…

Compared to a traditional deployment process, the Dell service saved IT time for small and large-scale deployments

How long would it take your IT team to get a batch of five fully provisioned laptops into the hands of your employees? What about a hundred laptops? A thousand? Depending on the size of your order, the time it takes to manually configure these devices, combined with shipping logistics, could mean days or weeks of delays for your end user.

Dell Provisioning for VMware Workspace ONE® can solve this problem with minimal IT intervention. The new Dell service enables your company to pre-configure devices before they leave the factory, with no ongoing IT involvement. Your admin would simply provide Dell with your provisioning information from Workspace ONE, purchase your devices, and the systems will arrive at your employees’ doorsteps ready to go—bypassing the need for on-site IT configuration. An administrator only has to perform the initial set up one time for any system that will receive this deployment set

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21st November 2019